L&S: LS EDI Data
Welcome! This page contains links to EDI-related data and information for the Division of Life Sciences. These data are not available to the public and we ask that they not be shared broadly.
Data and Analyses
Faculty Diversity Benchmarking – displays the gender and racial/ethnic composition of L&S: LS faculty next to the gender and racial/ethnic composition of the U.S. population, CA population, and L&S: LS undergraduate and graduate students.
Faculty Hires and Separations – displays longitudinal trends of the gender and racial/ethnic composition of Senate faculty incumbents, hires, and separations in L&S: LS.
L&S: Hum EDI Data
Welcome! This page contains links to EDI-related data and information for the Division of Humanities. These data are not available to the public and we ask that they not be shared broadly.
Data and Analyses
Faculty Diversity Benchmarking – displays the gender and racial/ethnic composition of L&S: Hum faculty next to the gender and racial/ethnic composition of the U.S. population, CA population, and L&S: Hum undergraduate and graduate students.
Faculty Hires and Separations – displays longitudinal trends of the gender and racial/ethnic composition of Senate faculty incumbents, hires, and separations in L&S: Hum.
Welcome! This page contains links to EDI-related data and information for the Institute of the Environment & Sustainability. These data are not available to the public and we ask that they not be shared broadly.
Data and Analyses
Faculty Diversity Benchmarking – displays the gender and racial/ethnic composition of IOES faculty next to the gender and racial/ethnic composition of the U.S. population, CA population, and IOES undergraduate and graduate students.
Faculty Hires and Separations – displays longitudinal trends of the gender and racial/ethnic composition of Senate faculty incumbents, hires, and separations in IOES.
Welcome! This page contains links to EDI-related data and information for the Henry Samueli School of Engineering & Applied Science. These data are not available to the public and we ask that they not be shared broadly.
Data and Analyses
Faculty Diversity Benchmarking – displays the gender and racial/ethnic composition of HSSEAS faculty next to the gender and racial/ethnic composition of the U.S. population, CA population, and HSSEAS undergraduate and graduate students.
Faculty Hires and Separations – displays longitudinal trends of the gender and racial/ethnic composition of Senate faculty incumbents, hires, and separations in HSSEAS.