The name of this appointed body shall be the UCLA Committee on Disability (COD). This committee was formerly known as the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Disability from 1986 through 2002.


The Committee is comprised of officers; student, staff, faculty, alumni and community voting members; and non-voting ex-officio representatives as described below. It is an open Committee. The Committee reports to the Chancellor’s Advisory Group on Diversity.


1.   The Committee membership selection will be conducted as follows:

A.   Following active recruitment using resources including but not limited to, the Academic Senate, Alumni Association, Undergraduate Student Association Council, Graduate Student Association and Staff Assembly, nominations for new faculty, staff, alumni, and community members are submitted to the Chair or Co-Chair or Vice-Chairs. Nominations for student members are requested from Undergraduate and Graduate Student Associations.

B.   Selected representatives’ names shall be submitted to: Academic Senate; Alumni Association; Staff Assembly; Undergraduate Student Association Council; Graduate Student Association; Chancellor’s Advisory Group on Diversity and Office of the Chancellor.

2.   The composition of the Committee will be:

A.   Appointed members – There shall be 18 appointed voting members comprised as follows from the indicated constituencies:

i.       6 members — Students. Three undergraduate and three graduate

ii.       2 members — Faculty

iii.       4 members — Staff

iv.       4 members — Community. Involved in disability and/or disability rights

v.       2 members — Alumni

B.   The Committee shall recruit Ex-Officio representatives from campus entities that have a function related to persons with disabilities. These positions will be held by staff representatives who are appointed by their department Chair or Director. The COD Chair, Co-Chair(s) or Vice-Chair may, at any time, request a department or university unit to provide a representative.

C.   A representative from the Chancellor’s Advisory Group on Diversity shall serve as a non-voting member.

CURRENT EX-OFFICIO REPRESENTATIVES include, but are not limited to:

  • Faculty Diversity & Development
  • Campus Human Resources
  • Capital Programs
  • Communications Technology Services
  • Cultural and Recreational Affairs
  • Disabilities and Computing Program
  • Facilities Management
  • Medical Center Administration
  • Office of Ombuds Services
  • Office of Research & Occupational Safety
  • Office of Residential Life
  • Staff Affirmative Action Office
  • Tarjan Center at UCLA
  • Transportation Services
  • UCLA Extension
  • Employee Disability Management Services
  • Office for Students with Disabilities
  • ADA/504 Compliance Office
  • Career Center

3.   Terms of Office:
In order to provide continuity, voting members are appointed for staggered two-year terms. Ex-Officio members from relevant departments serve indefinitely.

4.   Membership Responsibilities:

A    Each member shall have one vote, with a total voting membership of 18.

B.   Ex-Officio representatives may not vote nor hold office, unless an exception is passed by a majority vote.

C.   When there is a clear conflict of interest, the member will recuse him/herself from voting; this includes situations where the vote pertains specifically to the individual or the department/organization he/she represents.

5.   Removal of Voting Members:
Voting members may be terminated for failure to attend three consecutive meetings without reasonable justification. Voting members may resign at any time prior to the end of their term.


1.   The officers shall consist of either a Chair and one or two Vice Chairs; or two Co-Chairs, who shall be elected by the Committee at the regular May meeting, and shall serve for a term of one year, and may be reappointed. The committee may change the number of Officers at any time by majority vote.

2.   Duties of the Chair:

A.   Preside at all meetings.

B.   Set the agenda for place and times for meetings.

C.   Call special meetings when necessary.

D.   Appoint subcommittees and task forces as needed.

E.   Submit proposals and recommendations to the Chancellor and/or appropriate University departments.

F.   Provide liaison with the Chancellor’s Office and other University Offices as appropriate.

G.  Represent the Committee before all campus and other organizations on matters of interest to the Committee, subject only to any limits the Committee may wish to impose.

3.   Duties of the Vice Chair:

A.   Assist the Chair in conducting meetings.

B.   Assume the duties of the Chair when the Chair is absent.


1.   The UCLA Committee on Disability has general responsibility to:

A.   Act as a resource for the campus and community regarding disability-related topics. Refer campus and community individuals and entities to University offices whose functions are to address the issue raised.

B.   Provide a forum at Committee meetings for individuals, campus and community entities concerning UCLA policies, procedures, attitudes, services, practices and architectural and program accessibility for people with disabilities.

C.   Inform the responsible campus offices about issues raised at Committee meetings.

i.       Request follow up from, or make recommendations to campus offices to which matters have been referred.

D.   Develop programs, educational materials and activities that create awareness about disability issues.

E.   Make resources and information about UCLA disability services and programs available to the UCLA community and the public through informational materials and websites.

F.   Submit an Annual Report to the Chancellor’s Advisory Group on Diversity. Interface with that Committee as needed.


1.   Meetings shall be held at least once a month on a regularly scheduled basis excluding August and December.

2.   Additional meetings may be called as needed by the Chair or at the request of a majority of the Committee.

3.   The first meeting of the academic year shall be held during the month of October.

4.   A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of filled voting positions with at least one vote from each constituent group. At the discretion of the Chair or Vice-Chairs, an issue that has been voted on may be re-opened for discussion.

5.   All meetings will be open to the public with the exception that the Committee may enter into an executive session upon a motion duly made, seconded and passed by a majority of the Committee. Final action taken in executive session will be announced in public session, including results of the votes.

6.   A specified portion of each meeting shall be devoted to presentation of questions, comments and suggestions from any non-member of the Committee.


1.   The Chair, and Vice-Chair(s) or Co-Chair(s) shall appoint subcommittees as needed and appoint Sub-Committee Chairs or the Sub-Committee may select it’s Sub-Committee Chair.

2.   The Sub-Committee Chairs or Representatives from subcommittees shall report to the Committee as needed.

3.   Sub-Committees shall meet as frequently and for as long as it is deemed necessary.

4.   Any member may serve as Chair of a Sub-Committee.


Amendments to these By-laws require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the voting Committee membership. All voting members must be notified of proposed amendments at least one meeting prior to a call for a vote.


1.   The ADA/504 Compliance Office will provide administrative support for the Committee.

A.   Take minutes of the meetings.

B.   Distribute minutes of the previous meetings and the proposed agenda for each meeting to:

i.       Committee members and representatives

ii.       President, Staff Assembly

iii.       Presidents, Undergraduate and Graduates Student Associations

iv.       Chair, Academic Senate

C.   Maintain and update an electronic distribution list of all members and interested parties.

D.   Maintain, pursuant to law and University policy, official records of the Committee.

E.   Coordinate meeting location and support appropriate accommodation requests.

Revised June 2009