UCLA Committee on Disability / UCOD Meeting Notes (March 12, 2024)

UCOD Meeting Notes (March 12, 2024)

UCOD Meeting
March 12, 2024 / 2PM / Zoom


Voting Members:
Travis Lee, Carolanne Link, Sanaz Nabati, Quinn O’Connor, Sylvia Page, Harold Pimentel, Sal Santa Ana, Nicholas Shinghal, Caitlin Solone (proxy for Emily Frake), Brooke Wilkinson

Katie Bogue, Michael Garafola, Adam Kipust, Camila Krause, Kyle Udelson

Carl Newth, Omar Newland, Ariella Morrison, Sherrika Carter, Eileen Fowler, Alexa Vaughn, Mauricio Baker Mason, Laura Schreiber, Christine Kling, Brandie Kirkpatrick, Yasamin Bolourian, Spencer Scruggs, Yonit Kovnator, Anuka Dhir, Katja Antoine, Leroy Moore, Gwendolyn Hill, Leila Chiddick


1. Intros (10 mins)

2. Newsletter updates (Travis, Carolanne, Caitlin, Fang, Quinn, 5 mins)

3. Update on Student Incomplete Proposal (Travis, Nicholas, Sylvia, Carolanne, 15 mins)

a. Summarized proposal

4. Alumni letter to leadership (Quinn, 5 mins)

a. Move to next meeting

5. Election update for UCOD (Carolanne, 10 mins)

a. 2 year terms (May 2024-May 2026)

b. Available positions: 2 undergrads, 2 grads, 1 faculty, 2 staff, 1 alumni, 3 floaters

c. Leadership spots available: 1 chair, 2 vice chairs, 1 secretary, 1 treasurer (new position), 1 voting facilitator, 1 physical spaces subcommittee lead, 1 events/Disability Awareness Week subcommittee head, 1 technology/website subcommittee head (currently inactive), 1 newsletter subcommittee head (new)

d. Election Timeline

March 13-March 23: Election interest form open
April 9: Speeches for run-offs
April 22-April 29: Leadership interests form open
May 6-May 12: Leadership vote
May 14: Committee official turnover

e. Anyone who is interested in leadership, please contact Travis. There is a possibility of a leadership elect position if someone is interested and wants time to learn the position.

6. Establishing a UCOD social media feed (5 mins live vote)

a. Proposal to create a UCOD instagram account to centralize social media to promote newsletter and content from other departments

b. Vote passes under both parameters. Total: 11/16 = 68.75%; Active: 11/13 = 84.6%

11 Yes (two conditional)
2 Absent
3 Inactive

7. How to respect disability in sport and recreation spaces (Michael, Carolanne, 5 mins)

a. Can UCOD support a systematic approach to ensuring equitable access to resources (reserving track time, Wooden facilities, etc.)?

b. Adaptive Sports Subcommittee in formation

8. Streamlining a process for student complaints (Ariella, 10 mins)

a. Ombuds office provides information on informal and formal options for filing complaints, raising concerns, or seeking mediation for students, staff, and faculty.

b. Ombuds office can provide support in an ongoing capacity but cannot serve as an advocate

9. Department updates and open floor (Everyone, 10-15 mins)

a. Disabled Student Union presents a complaint on behalf of an undergraduate student about an issue with CAE registered accommodation for food and housing, specific complaints include timeliness and transparency.

b. Discussion of what recourse students have when internal options have been exhausted. If anyone has resources or suggestions, please reach out to DSU.

10. Optional closed door discussion on incomplete grades proposal for voting members (15 mins)