UCLA Committee on Disability / UCOD Meeting Notes (October 8, 2024)

UCOD Meeting Notes (October 8, 2024)

UCOD Meeting
October 8, 2024 / 2PM / Zoom


Voting Members:
Michael Garafola, Adam Kipust, Christine Kling, Travis Lee, Carolanne Link, Sanaz Nabati, Quinn O’Connor, Sylvia Page, Harold Pimental, Emilia Podesta, Shannon O’Malley (proxy for Kayla Kirsten Regalado), Sal Santa Ana, Nicholas Shinghal, Caitlin Solone

Yasamin Boulourian, Fang-I Chu, Adam Kipust, Alexa Vaughn

Mauricio Baker Mason, Lea Blum, Christine Craib, Joe Holt, Brandie Kirkpatrick, Yonit Kovnator, Raghava Kodavatikanti, Nnamdi Mbanugo, Leroy Moore, Amanda Paulak, Kirsten Rodriguez, Spencer Scruggs, Brooke Wilkinson


1. Intros (MG, 10 mins)

2. Photo op for UCOD (Everyone, 10 mins)

3. Speaking guidelines reminder (TL, 3 mins)

4. DPW announcement review of events (QO, 10 mins)

5. Work Force Recruitment Program (SN, 5 mins)

a. Workforce Recruitment Program info session on Friday at 11am on Zoom

6. Newsletter update (Newsletter subcommittee, 5 mins)

a. Theme is employment.

b. If anyone has events in late October to the first half of November, let the committee know for inclusion in the newsletter.

c. Other newsletter content needed: accessibility tips and student employment opportunities.

d. No publicly available archive of newsletters. An archive could be added to the UCOD website.

e. CAE newsletter only circulates to CAE students. Will be quarterly moving forward.

7. Downtown LA Mobility 4 All Network (10 mins)

a. Downtown LA Mobility 4 All Network: a multiyear initiative to increase transportation accessibility.

b. Projects include: working with Metro Cloud alliance to add enhancements to Metro app to include accessibility data. Data will also be used to create accessible pick-up/drop-off network and create transportation guides for major LA venues. Also build a series of disability travel resource centers.

c. Key community partners include Angel City Sports, Triumph Foundation, CALIF Independent Living Center, and others.

d. Call to action: participate and distribute user survey. Anyone can participate in the survey (disabled people and allies). Looking for more people with disabilities to join working group. Contact Joe Holt: refreshmobility@gmail.com.

8. Consulting group (NS, 5 mins)

a. Nicholas is external vice president of 180 Degrees Consulting at UCLA

b. Announcement: If you know of non-profit organizations related to disability for students to partner with in a business development context, let Nicholas know.

9. Research subcommittee (CK, 5-10 mins)

a. Focus is on accommodations for research and graduate program work that is not coursework (e.g. comprehensive examinations).

b. Goals for the subcommittee:

i. Create a roadmap/flowchart for disabled community members involved in research/ in graduate programs to navigate the accommodations model.

1. Suggestion to structure the roadmap to start with distinguishing between if the person is a student, an employee, a student employee, etc.

2. Suggestion to create network of allies and a database with examples of accommodations for lab settings.

3. Suggestion to start by creating a roadmap for one department as a model.

ii. Meet with CAE and union representatives to discuss the processes.

10. Closed door session for voting members (15 mins)

a. Committee votes to elect Quinn as Events Subcommittee Head.

b. Discussion about DPW budget

Action Items

  1. Carolanne will send a survey asking membership about meeting modality.