UCLA Committee on Disability / UCOD Meeting Notes (September 12, 2023)

UCOD Meeting Notes (September 12, 2023)

UCOD Meeting
September 12, 2023 / 2PM / Zoom


Voting Members:
Emily Frake, Michael Garafola, Adam Kipust, Travis Lee, Carolanne Link, Sanaz Nabati, Sylvia Page, Sal Santa Ana, Nicholas Shinghal, Caitlin Solone (proxy for Brooke Wilkinson)

Katie Bogue, Katie Healey, Camila Krause, Quinn O’Connor, Harold Pimental, Kyle Udelson

Spencer Scruggs, Fang-I Chu, Rob Diaz, Mauricio Baker Mason, Ana Majer, Brandie Kirkpatrick, Yonit Kovnator, Linda Demer


1. Intros

a. Travis is working with a committee focused on PhD students with disabilities.  Looking for a grad student in STEM to serve on this committee.  Let Travis know if you have someone in mind.

2. Summary of Meeting with USAC Around Student Disability Programming (Travis & Carolanne)

a. Lily Shaw Disability Cultural Center

Still having trouble locating a space.  USAC was considering Hedrick Hall but this location is not very accessible.  If anyone is interested in helping secure a location, reach out to USAC.  

b. Discounted parking passes

c. COVID-19 recommendations

Travis and Carolanne will share these recommendations at the next meeting.

3. Disability Awareness Week

a. Bruin Plaza has been reserved from 10am-2pm.  Programming will be from 12pm-1:30pm.  

b. Cost and logistics: OARC is handling the budgeting.  Multiple departments are contributing (Disability Studies, Career Center, Computational Medicine).  Looking for $500 more.   

c. Decide on the name for Disability Awareness Week:  

Committee voted in favor of “Disability Pride Week 2023.”

d. Career Center will table on Oct. 9 and will bring organizations that mentor disabled students/alumni to table.  Working with Employee Relations team for a mini career fair of employers who hire disabled employees.  Contact Sanaz if you have any companies that could join.

e. Discuss if we want theme:  No specific theme.  DCP will make a landing page with schedule.

f. Special guest?

Darnell Hunt, Mitchell Chang?

Leroy Moore? 

Travis will contact speakers and see who is available.

g. DJ/Live band?

Travis will ask Antonio to get the DJ equipment and will investigate quiet hours.

h. Tabling, who’s going to be there?

Disability Studies, CAE, Career Center, Radiation Oncology, EDI, Library, Pathway?

Travis will reach out to CAPS.

Student Groups- Caitlin will reach out to Hands On and All Brains.  Emily will reach out to DSU.  

Linda will reach out to STEP program.

i. Social media follow to get food: (@caeucla, @ucla.disability.studies, @uclacareercenter, @ucladcp, @uclaadaptivesportsandrec).  

j. Finalize schedule

Monday: 12pm-1:30pm tabling in Bruin Plaza

Disability Studies providing in-person info session on the major (Wednesday, 10/11, 10-11am).  

Disability Studies providing Accessible Social Media training via Zoom on Friday, 10/13 from 10-11am.  

Workforce Recruitment Program Info Session: 9/29 from 10-11 and Oct 12 4:30-5:30 via Zoom.

Strategies for Disability Inclusion and Accommodation Support- Faculty Workshop from CAE via Zoom, date tbd.

Wheelchair Basketball 4-7:30 on 10/10.  

Library pop up exhibits- let Sylvia know if you have title suggestions.

If money is needed to be earmarked, let Travis and Carolanne know.

k. All members of UCOD, try to attend the October 9 event.

4. Department Updates

5. Adjourn

Action Items

  1. Everyone who is programming, send the details to Travis by the end of this week.
  2. Travis will contact speakers and see who is available.
  3. Travis will ask Antonio to get the DJ equipment and will investigate quiet hours.
  4. Travis will reach out to CAPS.
  5. Linda will reach out to STEP program.
  6. Caitlin will reach out to Hands On and All Brains.
  7. Emily will reach out to DSU.

Items for Next Meeting Agenda

  1. Review USAC’s recommendations for COVID-19 safety.