2023-2024 EDI Network Funding Opportunity*

*funded by UCLA Faculty Forward Initiative (FFI)

For the 2023-2024 academic year, the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is offering a funding opportunity to support current or previously planned unit-level initiatives (e.g., within a particular department, division, or school).   The current funding cycle is sponsored by the UCLA Faculty Forward Initiative.  As such, proposals must reflect initiatives specifically designed to advance faculty diversity at UCLA.  Please note that this opportunity is open to both faculty and professional staff.  Award amounts may vary, with a maximum award of $20,000.  Awarding of proposals is subject to availability of funds in any given award cycle.

For detailed information about this funding opportunity, please refer to the EDI Network Funding Opportunity guidance document and submission checklist.  Please also feel free to explore the information provided in the Overview section below.

➡ Please also refer to the EDI Network Funding Opportunity FAQ document which provides additional information about allowable expenses for this funding opportunity.




Eligibility Criteria

a diverse group of 5 people in a meeting space huddled over a laptop

All UCLA faculty and professional staff are eligible to submit a proposal for this funding opportunity.

To receive full consideration for funding, submissions must reflect 1) newly proposed initiatives, 2) current initiatives, or 3) previously planned initiatives that are not currently active due to implementation barriers/roadblocks

Please refer to the EDI Network Funding Opportunities – Funding Categories for detailed descriptions of each category).

Submission Cycle and Proposal Review Timeline

3 diverse people in an office writing notes on a glass window

Proposals can be submitted during Fall and Spring quarters.  Please refer to the “Submission Process” section for details regarding where and how to submit proposals.

Following preliminary review of submissions by either the unit Equity Advisor or the Director of the Faculty Forward Initiative (FFI), the EDI Network Funding Request Review Committee Submissions will review and evaluate forwarded submissions using a standardized rubric which reflects criteria specified in the submission guidelines.

Submission CycleSubmission to Equity Advisor for Preliminary ReviewFormal Submission to EDI by Equity Advisor or FFI DirectorNotification If Funds Awarded (Target Dates*)
Spring QuarterMay 3, 2024May 17, 2024June 14, 2024
Fall QuarterNovember 18, 2024December 2, 2024January 24, 2025

* Award notification timelines may vary due to the volume of submissions in any given cycle.

Submission Requirements

storage container filled with manila folders and files

General proposal components (for all funding categories)

All proposal submissions must include the following components for each initiative included in the proposal:

1)  Cover page to include applicant name, department, title, and email address

2)  250 – 500 word statement addressing the following:

a. How the initiative aligns with UCLA’s EDI mission and with UCLA Strategic Plan 2023-2028: Creating the Future goal(s) related to advancing faculty diversity

b. How data/research support preliminary or potential effectiveness of initiative (e.g., department-level data; list of relevant research supporting potential effectiveness of initiative)

c. How the unit plans to assess the effectiveness of the initiative in achieving goals related to equity, diversity, and inclusion

3)  Comprehensive project timeline which clearly articulates the desired outcome of the funded project, specifies a final deliverable or set of deliverables, and provides timeframes for specific milestones over the lifespan of the project.  Please refer to the EDI Network Funding Opportunity – Project Timeline Template.

4)  Detailed budget proposing how funds will be used to achieve identified project outcome and completion of specified deliverable(s).  Please refer to the EDI Network Funding Opportunity – Budget Template.

5)  Letter(s) of support documenting support from the leader(s) of relevant organizational units. The EDI Network Funding Opportunity guidance document specifies the documentation required for each funding category.

6)  EDI Network Funding Opportunity – Fund Form


Additional submission requirements (for “Previously proposed or implemented initiative” category ONLY)

In addition to addressing the general components outlined above, all submissions for the Previously proposed or implemented initiative category must include the following:

1)  Documentation of identified barriers/roadblocks to previous proposal/implementation plans

2)  List of members of the work effort, including description of the experience and/or expertise each member would contribute to the work effort

Submission Process

overhead shot of meeting table, with 8 diverse people with laptops discussing something together

Funding proposals must include all required components described in the “Submission requirements” section above.  Complete proposals should be appropriately submitted to the unit Equity Advisor or the Director of the Faculty Forward Initiative (FFI) as outlined below.

  • For faculty and professional staff whose primary appointment is in academic departments and/or units with an identified Equity Advisor

Funding requests from faculty/staff representing academic departments must be submitted to the unit’s Equity Advisor. Please refer to Equity Advisor webpage for a list of current Equity Advisors. Please submit funding proposals via the appropriate submission link.  Upon reviewing faculty submissions, the Equity Advisor may select up to three (3) initiatives for consideration for funding to support efforts specifically designed to advance faculty diversity.

  • For professional staff in non-academic departments and/or units without an identified Equity Advisor

Staff representing non-academic departments and/or units without an identified Equity Advisor (e.g., Counseling and Psychological Services – CAPS; UCLA Teaching and Learning Center) should submit their funding requests to the Director of the Faculty Forward Initiative via the appropriate submission link.

Additional Information

lightbulb placed on a chalkboard with drawn idea bubbles next to it

  • Award funds must be used in the manner described in the funded proposal submission. Any requests for exceptional use of award funds must be submitted in writing to the Director of the Faculty Forward Initiative (FFI). Unless formally approved by the FFI Director, any use of funds for activities and/or other expenses not described in the funded proposal will be considered unauthorized and may be subject to repayment.


  • Any award funds which have not been used within the timeframe specified in the funded proposal submission will be returned to the funding source. In the event of extenuating circumstances, requests for extension may be submitted in writing to the Director of the Faculty Forward Initiative (FFI) for consideration of approval.


  • Faculty/staff who are awarded funds from the Faculty Forward Initiative (FFI) must submit a year-end report by the end of the award period which includes: 1) a detailed description of how funds were expended, 2) an assessment of the project’s effectiveness in advancing faculty diversity, 3) discussion of any challenges and/or barriers faced over the course of the project, 4) feedback from project participants, and 5) lessons learned over the course of the project implementation.





Equity Advisors Hub

illustration of people moving giant puzzle pieces together and demonstrating teamwork