EDI Team volunteers support the UCLA 17th Annual All-Staff Picnic (August 18, 2022)


Crowd photo from the UCLA 17th Annual All-Staff Picnic (Thursday, August 18, 2022)


vice chancellor for edi anna spain bradley and title ix investigator rachel rappaport at the ucla 17th annual all-staff picnic (thursday, august 18, 2022)
Vice chancellor for EDI Anna Spain Bradley and Title IX Investigator Rachel Rappaport at the UCLA 17th Annual All-Staff Picnic (Thursday, August 18, 2022)


joe bruin, josie bruin, vice chancellor for edi anna spain bradley, and chancellor's chief of staff yolanda gorman at the ucla 17th annual all-staff picnic (thursday, august 18, 2022)
Joe Bruin, Josie Bruin, Vice Chancellor for EDI Anna Spain Bradley, and the Chancellor’s Chief of Staff Yolanda Gorman at the UCLA 17th Annual All-Staff Picnic (Thursday, August 18, 2022)