Inclusive Leadership
Inclusive Leadership Framework
Advancing equity, diversity and inclusion requires consistent and committed leadership at every level of the university. Inclusive leadership sets forth expectations for all leaders to serve our community with a deep commitment to modeling UCLA’s values by treating everyone with respect and dignity. Inclusive leaders foster a climate where everyone, whether students in a course, or members on a team, or faculty members in a department, are authentically valued, acknowledged and included.
The UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is embracing an inclusive leadership model. Meet the members of our EDI Leadership Team, who advance subject-matter expertise and oversight over key areas of the EDI mission. The EDI Leadership Team meets regularly to engage in collaborative decision making and to provide strategic advice to Vice Chancellor Spain Bradley on the EDI mission.
The EDI Leadership Team embraces the following tenets of inclusive leadership:
- Collaboration and cooperation as a leadership team
- Commitment to being a mission-driven organization
- Continual learning to improve cultural awareness and reduce bias in our leadership
- Promote a healthy organizational culture within EDI
- Uphold dignity in all that we do
Meet the UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’s Leadership Team