EDI @ UCLA / Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive Leadership Framework


Advancing equity, diversity and inclusion requires consistent and committed leadership at every level of the university. Inclusive leadership sets forth expectations for all leaders to serve our community with a deep commitment to modeling UCLA’s values by treating everyone with respect and dignity. Inclusive leaders foster a climate where everyone, whether students in a course, or members on a team, or faculty members in a department, are authentically valued, acknowledged and included.

The UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is embracing an inclusive leadership model. Meet the members of our EDI Leadership Team, who advance subject-matter expertise and oversight over key areas of the EDI mission. The EDI Leadership Team meets regularly to engage in collaborative decision making and to provide strategic advice to Vice Chancellor Spain Bradley on the EDI mission.

The EDI Leadership Team embraces the following tenets of inclusive leadership:

  • Collaboration and cooperation as a leadership team
  • Commitment to being a mission-driven organization
  • Continual learning to improve cultural awareness and reduce bias in our leadership
  • Promote a healthy organizational culture within EDI
  • Uphold dignity in all that we do

Meet the UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’s Leadership Team

chandra bhatnagar
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Civil Rights Chandra Bhatnagar
I lead the EDI-Civil Rights Office (CRO), which includes the Discrimination Prevention Office, the Title IX Office, and the Staff Diversity & Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Office. I am also the Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity Officer for UCLA’s campus and for UCLA Health and, working with the members of the CRO team, am responsible for ensuring that UCLA remains in compliance with all of its civil rights obligations under Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, and ADA/504. Most importantly, every day, I work to advance equality for all members of the UCLA community with the goal of ensuring that all Bruins can study, work, and live free from discrimination, harassment and sexual violence.
Mohammed Cato
Title IX Director Mohammed Cato
I aim to serve as a role model of the behaviors conducive to establishing an environment of inclusivity, respect and social perspective taking. I also assist members in understanding and navigating the landscape of civil rights and community expectations. I work to ensure that all members are treated fairly and respectfully when participating in the EDI process.
linda clowers
Research and Bruin Engagement Office Director Linda Clowers
My role is to leverage the experience and expertise of the R&BE team to translate evidence-based research into recommended “best practices” to advance UCLA’s EDI mission; develop and implement EDI programming that both celebrates diversity and fosters a sense of belonging among UCLA students, faculty, and staff; and curate web-based educational resources, including practical tools to help various members of the UCLA community in their efforts to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion. At the center of this work is maintaining an active EDI Network in which members of the UCLA community can meaningfully connect to engage in dialogue, advocacy, and programming to create spaces to promote UCLA’s EDI mission.
lillie hsu
Discrimination Prevention Office Director Lillie Hsu
I lead educational initiatives to give UCLA community members the tools to build an equitable and inclusive environment, so that every one of us can bring our full selves to work and academic life. When everyone is respected and valued, it empowers all of us to do our best work and contribute fully to the mission of UCLA.
brandie kirkpatrick
Research and Bruin Engagement Office Deputy Director Brandie Kirkpatrick
I Iead institutional transformation efforts through an equity lens. I have a passion for employing evidence-based research to strategically inform policies and initiatives aimed at improving campus climate and culture at UCLA.
Yonit Kovnator
ADA/Section 504 Compliance Officer Yonit Kovnator
I monitor all aspects of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and related law, as well as serve as a resource to the UCLA community on compliance with disability related issues. I love that through my work with EDI, I get to dedicate my time to ensuring UCLA is fully inclusive and meeting the needs of community members with disabilities.
adriana ovalle-stevenson
Staff Diversity & Compliance Office Director Adriana Ovalle Stevenson
I seek to make individuals (both the community we serve and also SD&C team members) heard and feel valued so that they feel invested in our work and our process. I’m furthering these goals by supporting my team in whatever way allows them to best succeed in their respective roles, and supporting the EDI mission by addressing staff civil rights complaints in a way that’s not only compliant with university policy and relevant laws, but also in a way that is humane and effective.
candi smiley
Title IX Deputy Director Candi N. Smiley
I lead by planting seeds of cultural change through education and endeavoring to create a safer environment, now, by holding individuals accountable through investigations.
avc for edi mitchell chang
Interim Vice Provost for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Mitchell Chang
As Interim Vice Provost for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), I uphold the EDI mission – utilizing my expertise, my deep relationships throughout UCLA, and my dedication to research-informed best practices to help ensure that our campus is a welcoming and supportive environment where people of all backgrounds and identities can thrive.