Mandatory Trainings / Title IX Office: Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Training

Title IX Office: Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Training

The Title IX Office ensures compliance with Title IX Federal law. A component of the law requires Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment training for all community members. The Title IX Office offers training to the UCLA community on conduct prohibited by Title IX and the UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment policy.

For Students

a large, diverse group of coworkers studying materials over a shared table with papers, books, and laptops

Required Trainings

  1. Online Training: Vector Solutions is our vendor for the online training modules for first-year student (undergraduate, graduate and professional students) – Administered by the Title IX Office


The Vice Chancellor and Title IX Director put out a yearly communication on behalf of Title IX to the UCLA community.

Relevant Policies

Federal Requirements:

  • Clery Act
  • Clery Act – amended, Violence Against Women’s Act (VAWA)
  • Violence Against Women’s Act- amended, Campus Save Act

State Requirements:

  • Ed. Code section 67385.7, as amended by AB-2683

University of California Policy & Guidance:

For Faculty & Staff

a large, diverse group of coworkers meeting and discussing something over a shared table with papers and laptops

Required Trainings

Vector Solutions is our vendor for the online training module, entitled: “Preventing Harassment & Discrimination.” This training is automatically assigned through the Learning Management System (LMS)  every other year.

Faculty and Supervisory staff are assigned the 2-hour version, and non-supervisory staff are assigned the 1-hour version.


  1. Staff Diversity & Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance (SD&C) Training: if a faculty or staff member is unable or unwilling to complete the Vector Solution’s online training, they may attend the SD&C Facilitated 2-hour, in-person or Live Virtual Training (LVT).  Whether an employee is considered supervisory/faculty or non-supervisory, they must attend the full 2-hour training to receive credit for the Level One required training.
  2. Responsible Employee Online Training: created by the Systemwide Title IX Office
  3. In-Person/LVT Responsible Employee Training: Title IX offers in-person/Live Virtual Training (LVT) for Responsible Employee for both campus and UCLA Health

Additional Information for Student Employees

Unless otherwise noted, all student employees must complete the 1-hour Online Staff Training (Vector Solutions) every other year.

Relevant Policies

Federal Requirements:

  • Clery Act
  • Clery Act – amended, Violence Against Women’s Act (VAWA)
  • Violence Against Women’s Act- amended, Campus Save Act

State Requirements:

  • AB1825 and SB 1343
  • Cal. Govt. Code §12950.1, 2 C.C.R. §11024

University of California Policy & Guidance:

Coordinators, Decision-Makers, Investigators, Information Resolution Facilitators

Federal Law:

  • Title IX & Clery
  • 34 C.F.R. 106.45(b)(1)(iii).
  • 34 C.F.R. 668.46(k)(2)(ii).

University of California Policy & Guidance