Dear Colleagues:

I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Margaret Shih, effective July 1, 2019, as the next Associate Vice Chancellor, BruinX (“AVC”). BruinX is the multidisciplinary research and development unit within UCLA’s Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. I am thrilled that Professor Shih has agreed to join my Office in this capacity.

As AVC, Professor Shih will lead and manage BruinX and its staff by providing critical scholarly engagement, strategic planning, and project management. A talented researcher and proven administrator, she will draw on her experience to ensure that we effectively translate theory and social science into positive policy change and action on the ground. Professor Shih will also serve as a senior member of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’s leadership and provide advice and counsel to me, my staff, and other senior leaders at UCLA.

Professor Shih brings a wealth of experience to her new role, including nearly twenty years in academia with a focus on stereotyping, diversity, and organizational behavior. She currently holds appointments in UCLA’s Department of Psychology and the Anderson School of Management, where she recently served with distinction as the Senior Associate Dean of FEMBA and Full Time MBA Programs. Professor Shih served on the executive committee for the International Society for Self and Identity, the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, and was a consulting editor for a special issue of Journal of Social Issues on multiracial identity.

Professor Shih will replace Professor Devon Carbado, who will soon conclude a three-year term as the inaugural AVC, BruinX. I want to personally thank Professor Carbado for his exceptional service. Professor Carbado provided invaluable leadership and oversaw a range of programmatic endeavors, research projects, and anti-bias initiatives that have directly furthered my Office’s mission of building equity for all. Hallmark BruinX achievements under Professor Carbado’s leadership include the BruinX Dashboards; the BruinXperience mobile app; CrossCheck Live; BruiNext: the Student Mock Class Initiative; and the BruinX VR Experience.

As AVC, Professor Shih will be available to connect with campus partners by email ( and office phone (310-206-4782). Please join me in welcoming her to this new role at UCLA.

My best regards,

Jerry Kang
Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion