
A number of internal and external entities produce information on UCLA student admissions. Rather than replicate information that is already publicly available, this page provides links to a curated list of resources.

UCLA Academic Planning and Budget

The UCLA Office of Academic Planning and Budget (APB) provides customized reports to the public, media, and UCLA stakeholders relating to students, programs, and institutional characteristics. 

UCLA Academic Planning and Budget produces an Admissions dashboard of undergraduate admissions by admit level, residency status, and school for falls 2000-2022.

Note that these dashboards do not contain information on gender or race/ethnicity. Requests for more detailed information may be made to APB Institutional Research staff.


UCLA Graduate Education

The Division of Graduate Education at UCLA is responsible for the overall quality and progress of graduate education at UCLA. Within Graduate Education, an office of Institutional Research is responsible for providing business intelligence reporting and analytics to internal and external stakeholders.

UCLA Graduate Education provides an Admissions: Annual Snapshot dashboard of graduate program admissions by degree objective, field, major, gender, and race/ethnicity for falls 2008 – 2021.


UCOP Information Center

The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) Information Center provides a large number of data dashboards on students, much of them allowing for breakouts by demographic characteristics. Although data may be viewed by UC campus, UCOP reports by UC discipline (a systemwide classification) and not by campus-specific schools/divisions/departments.

Undergraduate admissions– fall freshman and transfer applicants, admits, and enrollees by race/ethnicity, source school type, and residency


Graduate admissions – graduate program applicants, admits and enrollees by UC discipline, race/ethnicity, gender, and citizenship


Transfer fall admissions summary – fall transfer applicants, admits, and enrollees by source school type, transfer GPA, residency, race/ethnicity, gender, and first-generation status


Freshman fall admissions summaryfall freshman applicants, admits, and enrollees by source school type, HS weighted, capped GPA, A-G courses, Honors courses, residency, race/ethnicity, gender, and first-generation status


Gap analysis– compares race/ethnicity of high school graduates with race/ethnicity of freshman applicants, admits, and new enrollees at the University


UC doctoral program statistics – admissions, enrollments, funding, degree completion rates, and time to degree by gender and race/ethnicity.

page last updated 4/12/2023