Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and other laws protect UCLA community members from sex discrimination, including sexual violence and sexual harassment (SVSH), as well as discrimination based on gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and pregnancy.

The Title IX Office provides trainings to ensure UCLA’s compliance with Title IX. Below you’ll find available trainings for various campus communities.


For Faculty, Staff, and Students

The Title IX Office ensures compliance with Title IX federal law. A component of the law requires Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment training for all community members. The Title IX Office offers training to the UCLA community on conduct prohibited by Title IX and the UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment policy.

For Faculty and Staff

  • Preventing Workplace Discrimination, Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment: Live Training for Supervisors, Managers, Faculty, and Staff by the Staff Diversity & Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance (SD&C) Office (via Zoom, 2 hours)
    • This Anti-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training is for new and continuing managers, supervisors, and employees. The training covers a range of Equal Employment Opportunity issues under civil rights laws, including Title VII and Title IX. The training will enable staff to engage effectively with a diverse and high-performing workforce at UCLA. It will also assist supervisors in preventing discrimination and harassment in their workgroups.
    • This in-person training is offered monthly. Attendance also satisfies the bi-annual requirement for training on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention for Supervisors, Faculty, and Staff.
    • We strongly encourage all faculty, supervisors, and staff to satisfy the requirement by attending this training.
    • For upcoming trainings, view the training schedule
    • To register for an upcoming training, visit https://uc.sumtotal.host/Core/search and search for the course title, “Preventing Workplace Discrimination, Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Training.”
  • Preventing Harassment and Discrimination: UC Online Training (2 hours bi-annually for faculty and supervisors, 1 hour annually for staff and non-supervisor academic appointees)
    • This online training covers discrimination and harassment based on protected categories, as well as sexual violence and sexual harassment prevention, retaliation and positive workplace culture. The 2-hour version also covers supervisor responsibilities to prevent discrimination and harassment.
    • This training satisfies the requirement for sexual violence and sexual harassment prevention training.
    • The training is assigned by Campus Human Resources and accessed through LMS.