UCLA EDI Education Series / FAQs - UCLA EDI Education Series

FAQs - UCLA EDI Education Series

What is the purpose of the EDI Education Series?

The UCLA EDI Education Series provides all UCLA employees with a foundation for how to prevent discrimination and promote inclusion throughout UCLA. The EDI Education Series was developed to address UCLA’s need for additional equity, diversity, and inclusion-related education, and the recommendations for education laid out by the UCLA Moreno Report Implementation Committee and the UCLA Gender Recognition Act Task Force.

Understanding and Preventing Discrimination: Best Practices for Creating an Inclusive UCLA covers anti-discrimination laws and policies; how to recognize discriminatory and harassing behavior; employee rights and responsibilities; best practices and resources for addressing discrimination and harassment; and strategies for preventing discrimination.

Understanding Gender and Sexual Orientation: Best Practices for Fostering Inclusion and Preventing Discrimination covers the new University of California Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy and related laws and policies. It also provides UCLA employees with essential information and best practices related to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all gender identities, gender expressions and sexual orientations at UCLA.


Who created the EDI Education Series?

The UCLA EDI Education Series was created with student, staff, and faculty input and with support from UCLA Campus Assault Resources & Education, UCLA Office of the Campus Counsel, UCLA Committee on LGBTQ Affairs, UCLA Extension, UCLA Gender Recognition Implementation Committee, UC Legal – Office of General Counsel, UCLA LGBTQ Campus Resource Center, and UCLA Strategic Communications.


Are the EDI Education Series modules mandatory?

At this time, completion of the EDI Education Series modules is voluntary and they have not been made mandatory. UCLA intends to make these modules mandatory in the future. If you complete the modules before they are made mandatory, you will receive credit for having already completed the modules.


Are the EDI Education Series modules available to anyone other than UCLA employees?

Currently, the EDI Education Series modules are available only for active UCLA, including UCLA Health, employees with access the UC Learning Center. The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion offers a number of broadly accessible educational materials via the EDI Education Hub. The Dean of Students Office offers an online educational opportunity for students, and UCLA Health offers educational options for UCLA Health staff.


As a manager, can I assign the EDI Education Series modules to my employees?

Yes, as a manager you can assign your employees to complete these modules, within the scope of their job duties.


How can I submit feedback on the EDI Education Series modules?

You can provide feedback on the modules via the links below.

Understanding and Preventing Discrimination: Best Practices for Creating an Inclusive UCLA

Understanding Gender and Sexual Orientation: Best Practices for Fostering Inclusion and Preventing Discrimination


If you have additional questions or feedback about the EDI Education Series, please email us at  WeListen@equity.ucla.edu.