News April 29, 2017

VC Kang discusses 25th Anniversary of Los Angeles Uprisings on ABC Nightline

Vice Chancellor Kang discusses the 25th Anniversary of the Los Angeles Uprisings and the Korean American experience at that time, on ABC Nightline. Read full article and watch video segment. Vice Chancellor Kang appears in video segment starting around 5:14.

News February 24, 2017

UC Statement in Support of Transgender Members of the UC community

On Thursday, February 23rd, University of California leaders issued the following statement: “The University of California, in accordance with state law and in keeping with its own principles of nondiscrimination will continue to ensure that its transgender students, faculty and staff have unrestricted access to restrooms that conform to their gender identities. We are heartened to hear that … Continue reading “UC Statement in Support of Transgender Members of the UC community”

News January 30, 2017

UC Leaders: Executive Order is Contrary to Our Values

On Sunday, January 29th, University of California leaders issued a statement saying they were deeply concerned about the executive order that temporarily restricts entry into the United States by people from seven Muslim-majority countries, calling the order “contrary to the values we hold dear.” View University of California Newsroom release here, which includes links to: … Continue reading “UC Leaders: Executive Order is Contrary to Our Values”

News January 29, 2017

Chancellor and EVC’s Response to Recent Executive Orders

  To the Campus Community: This past week, as most of you are well aware, President Trump signed an executive order that suspends entry into the United States for various categories of travelers. The order includes refugees, immigrants, non-immigrant visa holders, and possibly lawful U.S. permanent residents from seven majority-Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, … Continue reading “Chancellor and EVC’s Response to Recent Executive Orders”