The Chair of the Department of Film, Television & Digital Media filed a complaint with the Charges Committee against retired professor Thomas F. Denove alleging he violated section II.E.2 of the Faculty Code of Conduct (“Types of Unacceptable Conduct: 2. Commission of a criminal act which has led to a conviction in a court of law and which clearly demonstrates unfitness to continue as a member of the faculty.”). After the Charge was filed, Professor Denove agreed to relinquish his emeritus status and all associated rights and privileges. This includes denial of the use of the title “Professor Emeritus;” denial of future recall or employment with the University of California; denial of permanent or temporary office space or support; denial of inclusion in University, departmental and school events, including publications and listings; denial of a UCLA email address or the right to distribute a UCLA business card or to possess a UCLA ID card; denial of parking privileges beyond that which is afforded to general members of the public; and denial of the right to use facilities accessible with a recreation pass or membership. He further agreed that he will not visit the UCLA campus or any University-affiliated building except for purposes of obtaining medical treatment of himself or his family members.