In 2016, after an extensive investigation, the UCLA Title IX Office concluded that a professor in the Division of Humanities violated the University Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (SVSH) Policy by making unwelcome communications of a sexual nature to students, both in person and through electronic messaging. According to the investigation report, this behavior occurred in 2014 and 2015. The investigation report was submitted to the appropriate Administration and Academic Senate units for further handling. At all times, the professor denied, and continues to deny, the allegations and maintains that the professor did not engage in conduct that violated the SVSH Policy or the Faculty Code of Conduct. The Administration and the professor engaged in settlement negotiations. The parties have reached a settlement, which includes separation from employment, denial of emeritus status, denial of future employment with the University of California, denial of permanent or temporary office space or support, and denial of parking privileges and campus access beyond that which is afforded to general members of the public. The campus remains firmly committed to increasing transparency on the issues of sexual harassment and sexual violence.