In 2018, after a Formal Investigation, the UCLA Title IX Office found that a professor of the School of Theater, Film and Television (TFT) committed verbal sexual harassment in violation of the University sexual harassment policy by making unwelcome verbal advances and comments of a sexual nature to a student at an off-site event. Although the complaint was filed in October 2017, the harassment took place more than a decade ago. The professor denied the allegations and continues to do so. The investigation report was submitted to the appropriate Administration and Academic Senate units for further handling. Before the hearing in front of the Privilege and Tenure Committee of the Academic Senate took place, the Administration and the professor engaged in settlement negotiations. UCLA reached a settlement with the professor who had already separated from employment. The settlement terms include: as of December 14, 2018, denial of emeritus status, denial of future employment with the University of California, denial of permanent or temporary office space or support, and denial of campus access beyond that which is afforded to general members of the public, except for facilities accessible with a recreation pass; and as of July 1, 2019, denial of parking privileges and the right to use facilities accessible with a recreation pass. The Administration remains firmly committed to promoting transparency on the issues of sexual harassment and sexual violence.