UCLA Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Homepage

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Student Admissions


A number of internal and external entities produce information on UCLA student admissions. Rather than replicate information that is already publicly available, this page provides links to a curated list of resources.

UCLA Academic Planning and Budget

The UCLA Office of Academic Planning and Budget (APB) provides customized reports to the public, media, and UCLA stakeholders relating to students, programs, and institutional characteristics. 

UCLA Academic Planning and Budget produces an Admissions dashboard of undergraduate admissions by admit level, residency status, and school for falls 2000-2022.

Note that these dashboards do not contain information on gender or race/ethnicity. Requests for more detailed information may be made to APB Institutional Research staff.


UCLA Graduate Education

The Division of Graduate Education at UCLA is responsible for the overall quality and progress of graduate education at UCLA. Within Graduate Education, an office of Institutional Research is responsible for providing business intelligence reporting and analytics to internal and external stakeholders.

UCLA Graduate Education provides an Admissions: Annual Snapshot dashboard of graduate program admissions by degree objective, field, major, gender, and race/ethnicity for falls 2008 – 2021.


UCOP Information Center

The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) Information Center provides a large number of data dashboards on students, much of them allowing for breakouts by demographic characteristics. Although data may be viewed by UC campus, UCOP reports by UC discipline (a systemwide classification) and not by campus-specific schools/divisions/departments.

Undergraduate admissions– fall freshman and transfer applicants, admits, and enrollees by race/ethnicity, source school type, and residency


Graduate admissions – graduate program applicants, admits and enrollees by UC discipline, race/ethnicity, gender, and citizenship


Transfer fall admissions summary – fall transfer applicants, admits, and enrollees by source school type, transfer GPA, residency, race/ethnicity, gender, and first-generation status


Freshman fall admissions summaryfall freshman applicants, admits, and enrollees by source school type, HS weighted, capped GPA, A-G courses, Honors courses, residency, race/ethnicity, gender, and first-generation status


Gap analysis– compares race/ethnicity of high school graduates with race/ethnicity of freshman applicants, admits, and new enrollees at the University


UC doctoral program statistics – admissions, enrollments, funding, degree completion rates, and time to degree by gender and race/ethnicity.

page last updated 4/12/2023

Employee Workforce Diversity Dashboard


This dashboard provides 15 years (2008–2022) of data on self-identified sex and race/ethnicity of UCLA academic and non-academic employees. 

Data Source: UCLA Workforce File, Office of Academic Planning & Budget


Note: OEDI does not publish employee dashboards for the David Geffen School of Medicine and its affiliates. To view DGSOM statistics, see the school’s Data Accountability dashboard.


Glossary of Terms

Employee Workforce Diversity Guidance Doc

Data Hub


Welcome to the UCLA OEDI Data Hub! The goal of the OEDI Data Hub is to connect you with information related to equity, diversity, and inclusion among UCLA staff, student, and faculty populations. To that end, the Data Hub houses OEDI Data Dashboards as well as links to EDI-related information provided by other UCLA offices and the University of California Office of the President (UCOP).

Please note that, OEDI is a secondary user of campus data that have been collected, stored, and managed by other UCLA entities. As such, we do not share individual-level records and are bound to the terms of use set forth in agreements with campus data stewards.

For information about UCLA Students, click on one of the content areas below:

Enrollments  – counts of undergraduate and graduate students enrolled as of the third week of fall term instruction 

Admissions – counts of undergraduate and graduate applicants, admits, and enrollees

Degrees/Completions, Time-to-Degree, and Graduation Rates –  number of degrees awarded, average time-to-degree, and 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-year graduation rates of entering fall cohorts

Student Surveys student surveys containing items related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

For information about UCLA Employees, click on one of the content areas below:

Employee Workforce Diversity Dashboard – 15 years of data on self-identified sex and race/ethnicity of UCLA employees.  

Note: David Geffen School of Medicine (DGSOM) employee dashboards are published on the DGSOM Anti-Racism Roadmap and EDI websites.


UCLA Salary Equity Studies – Since 2013, UCLA has engaged in four campus-level salary equity studies.  Reports on each of these studies are available on the Academic Personnel Office website.  .


Systemwide Campus Climate Study During the 2012-13 academic year, the University of California engaged outside consulting firm Rankin & Associates to survey its faculty and other academic appointees, students, staff, trainees, and post-doctoral scholars about their experiences and perceptions of campus/workplace climate. Findings are reported at the campus-level on the UCOP website. Click to see an executive summary or full report of UCLA findings. 

Student Surveys


Each of the surveys listed below are administered to UCLA students and contain items related to campus climate and EDI topics. 

CIRP Freshman Survey

The CIRP Freshman Survey is sponsored by the Higher Education Research & Information (HERI). Although not overtly about campus climate, the survey does contain a number of EDI-related items. In addition, respondents self-report gender identity, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, and citizenship.

The CIRP was administered bi-annually to incoming UCLA freshmen by the Student Affairs Information and Research Office (SAIRO) for nearly 50 years, until it was replaced in 2021 by the Entering Student Survey. To learn more about UCLA’s administration of the CIRP (such as contents, schedule, participants, response rates, and past instruments) and to view available reports, see SAIRO’s CIRP Freshman Survey homepage

Doctoral Experience Survey

The University of California Office of the President (UCOP)’s Doctoral Experience Survey surveys current doctoral students on the topics of academic progress and skills, professional development, advising and mentorship, financial support, and career aspirations. Although the survey is not explicitly about campus climate, UCOP data tables allow users to disaggregate item responses by gender, race/ethnicity, and residency status.

The survey was administered to UCLA doctoral students in 2010, 2014, 2017, and 2020.

Entering Student Survey

The Entering Student Survey (ESS) is administered biennially to all incoming UCLA undergraduate students. Although not overtly about campus climate, the survey does contain a number of EDI-related items. In addition, respondents self-report gender identity, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, disability status, and first-generation college status. 

The survey was administered by SAIRO in 2021 and 2023, replacing the CIRP and TSS. For more information on survey design, background, and findings, visit the SAIRO ESS homepage.

Graduate and Professional Student Survey

The Graduate and Professional Student Survey (GPSS) is an internal survey designed to assess a variety of issues relevant to graduate and professional students, including wellness, campus climate, interaction with others, progress and skills, use of time and resources, ethics, and international student issues. Demographic data are collected on disability status, socioeconomic status, religion, political orientation, gender identification, sexual orientation, and marital status. 

The survey was administered to UCLA graduate students in 2010, 2014, 2017, and 2020. For more information on survey design, background, and findings, visit the SAIRO GPSS homepage.

Graduating Senior Survey

The Graduating Senior Survey (GSS) is an annual survey designed and administered by the UCLA Center for the Advancement of Teaching. The survey collects information on graduating senior students’ UCLA experiences, including academics, student development, campus climate, and post-graduation plans. 

To learn more about the survey and to view 2023 findings, visit the UCLA Senior Survey Overview homepage.

Master’s Completion Survey

The Master’s Exit (Completion) Survey is an annual survey developed and administered by the UCLA Graduate Education Office. Among other topics, the survey contains a set of items designed to measure campus climate and perceived obstacles to success. 

For more information about the survey, contact the Graduate Education Institutional Research Office.

National College Health Assessment

The National College Health Assessment (NCHA) was developed by the American College Health Association (ACHA) to collect information on the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and health behaviors of students in American universities and colleges. In a preamble to the survey, respondents are informed that they will be asked about topics that include illegal substance use; interpersonal, sexual, and intimate partner violence; mental health and thoughts of suicide; disordered eating; sexual behavior; and incidents of exclusion, harassment, and racism. 

The NCHA was administered at UCLA in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019, 2021, and 2023. For more information on UCLA’s participation and to view reports and findings, visit SAIRO’s NCHA homepage.

Transfer Student Survey

The Transfer Student Survey (TSS) was designed by the UCLA SAIRO as a companion to the CIRP Freshman Survey. Although not overtly about campus climate, the survey does contain a number of EDI-related items. In addition, respondents self-report disability status, gender identity, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, political orientation, and religion. 

The TSS was administered bi-annually to incoming UCLA transfer students by the Student Affairs Information and Research Office (SAIRO) from 2005 to 2021, when it was replaced by the Entering Student Survey. To learn more about UCLA’s administration of the TSS (such as contents, schedule, participants, response rates, and past instruments) and to view available reports, see SAIRO’s TSS homepage.

University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES)

The University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) assesses attitudes toward different aspects of campus life including academic advising, campus climate, courses & instruction, and interaction with faculty. The survey also documents students’ self-perceptions and goals, political beliefs, and perceptions of the role of the research university. Background demographic information is collected on family immigration background, socioeconomic status, religion, marital status, disability status, gender identity, sexual orientation, and political orientation. 

The UCUES has been administered to undergraduate students bi-annually since 2006. To view information about survey development and background or to explore UCOP data tables, follow links on the UCOP UCUES homepage. To view UCLA-specific information about survey administration and findings, visit the SAIRO UCUES homepage.