UCLA Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Homepage

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Student Enrollments


A number of internal and external entities produce information on UCLA student enrollments. Rather than replicate information that is already available, this page provides links to a curated list of public resources.

UCLA Academic Planning and Budget

The UCLA Office of Academic Planning and Budget (APB) provides customized reports to the public, media, and UCLA stakeholders relating to students, programs, and institutional characteristics. 

UCLA Academic Planning and Budget produces an Enrollment dashboard of graduate and undergraduate enrollments by student level, counting method, registration status, and school for academic years 2000-01 through 2023-24.

Note that these dashboards do not contain information on gender or race/ethnicity. Requests for more detailed information may be made to APB Institutional Research staff.


UCLA Graduate Education

The Division of Graduate Education at UCLA is responsible for the overall quality and progress of graduate education at UCLA. Within Graduate Education, an office of Institutional Research is responsible for providing business intelligence reporting and analytics to internal and external stakeholders.

UCLA Graduate Education provides an Enrollment: Annual Snapshot dashboard of graduate program enrollments by registration status, degree objective, field, gender, and race/ethnicity for falls 1988 – 2021.


UCOP Information Center

The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) Information Center provides a large number of data dashboards on students, much of them allowing for breakouts by demographic characteristics. Although data may be viewed by UC campus, UCOP reports by UC discipline (a systemwide classification) and not by campus-specific schools/divisions/departments.

Fall enrollment at a glanceenrollments by enrollment status, field of study (UC discipline), student level (UG & G), degree program, California residency, Pell status (UG only), first-generation status (UG only), gender identity, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, and country of citizenship


UC doctoral program statistics – admissions, enrollments, funding, degree completion rates, and time-to-degree by gender and race/ethnicity.


First-generation college students enrollments, retentions, and graduation rates of first-generation undergraduate students by undergraduate entry level, gender identity, race/ethnicity, and Pell status.


UC military-affiliated studentsenrollments, retentions, and graduation rates of military-affiliated graduate and undergraduate students by undergraduate entry level, age, gender identity, race/ethnicity, first-generation status, and Pell status (UG only).


UC undergraduate current and former foster youth enrollments, retentions, and graduation rates of current and former undergraduate foster youth students by undergraduate entry level, age, gender identity, race/ethnicity, first-generation status, and Pell status

page last updated 4/12/2023

Campus Diversity Monographs

Prior to 2015-16, UCLA annually published Campus Faculty Diversity Statistics Monographs to provide information about the gender and racial/ethnic composition of regular-rank faculty in all academic departments, except for those in the School of Medicine (Diversity Statistics for the School of Medicine are available here).

Campus Monographs consist of the following:

  1. October 1st snapshot of regular-rank faculty by rank, gender, and race/ethnicity;
  2. Five-year hiring trends by gender and race/ethnicity;
  3. Five-year incumbency trends by gender and race/ethnicity. They also provide national estimates of availability against which the actual gender and racial/ethnic compositions of faculty can be benchmarked.